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Produsentjobb (Opera i Trøndelag)

Produsentjobb for et tysk produksonsselskap som skal lage opera i Trøndelag.

Søknadsfrist: søndag 15. januar Send søknad og CV til:

LaLaOpera / Das Emotionskollektiv is a multi-national Performing Arts Collective based in Greifswald, Germany. For a May 2023 opera production in Trøndelag fylke we are looking for a Fundraiser/Project Manager(free-lance), mostly for applications with public funding bodies. Specifications:

  • experience in the public grant application process: writing applications and application management

  • possibly experience in sponsorship acquisition

  • interpersonal and communication skills (verbal and written), proficiency in Norwegian and either English or German

  • Self-reliant mode of working, quick comprehension and ability to find creative ways around obstacles

  • This is a paid position, regular base fee plus a generous commission of the funds raised – exact figures to be discussed.

For more information about this post, please contact the manager. Andreas Heinz: The closing date for applications is Monday 15 January 2023.


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